Monday, May 16, 2016


So many exciting things have been happening in the past few months!
My job is getting easier to do, now that I understand better what my responsibilities are and how to carry them out, and it's becoming more fun  to do. I find myself looking forward to getting there in the morning, which is a great feeling. My coworkers are all awesome to work with! Yes, even  the difficult ones.. It's been pretty great!
And my social life! While it seems to be in one of it's ebbing phases, it has been really fulfilling. :)
One of my best friends, Denise, has started her own business as a consultant for LuLaRoe Clothing. Which is exciting to watch happen! Having been raised in a family owned and operated company, and worked for two more, it's pretty rad to see it from the start. I love helping her out with everything, even though I'm not as tempted to buy or wear everything like she is, it's been really cool to be a part of the process with her.
She even let me do the honor of throwing the first in home popup party with her! Which was SO MUCH FUN! And I'm sorry, but I was too busy making mimosas (with ginger kombucha, OJ, or Pom Wonderful) to take any pictures. We had a raffle, and one of my friends who is super new to LLR won, which is always exciting!
And my goddaughter was baptized! Which was awesome to be a part of. I am not catholic, so knowing what to say, when to repeat phrases, and how to hold burning candles that threatened to drip hot wax on my hands was kind of hard to keep up with. But it was worth it. :)
And my brother had his baby, so I'm an Official Full Fledged Auntie now!

All of the thrilling things happening!

I hope to be back soon with something crafty.. Hang tight!